Thursday, September 2, 2010

Job Fair

First and foremost before I comment on the job fair at Concord Mills Mall in Concord, North Carolina; I would like to share on how much I enjoy visiting a mall. I don’t need to spend money on items I don’t really need. I can go to the mall sit in the food court, in a coffee shop, or in a book store and people watch for hours while I’m reading my kindle. Another trick is to sit near people with my ear buds in my ears but not have the volume turned-on on my I-pod. I hear many unique stories.

When I arrived at the mall, I decided to play one of my favorite games, the HI game. The rules are simple. Say hi to everyone you pass to see their reaction. Boy did I receive some responses and looks. Mission accomplished!! From why are you talking to me to have a nice day. Not everyone wants to be friendly at the mall in the early morning.

Searching for the job fair was a trip too. There were no signs posted as to where the job fair was located. I asked some of the ‘residents’ of the mall, and they didn’t even know there was a job fair at the mall. I watched many suits walking around carrying vanilla folders, so I decided to stalk them. Luckily, I quit early because they were heading in the opposite direction of the fair. Bad mistake.

Below is a list of companies at the job fair:

Advantage Debt Solutions
CPI Security
Drive Time
Family Dollar
Mary Kay
New Horizons
Superior School of Real Estate
Willow House

All of the above companies were unique. First and foremost many were not actually accepting resumes. They were sharing knowledge of their employers and then distributing business cards as to where you needed to apply on-line. At the conclusion of each pitch, each sales person made sure you remembered their name, so they received credit for the sell. Eventually, I noticed no one was lurking near the Mary Kay table, so I stopped by her booth to just say hi. She insisted on taking my resume. So look out ladies I may be seeking your cash for make-up. HA.

In signs of our poor economy, no one was giving away free stuff like pens or key chains. I really do need some more pens for softball since everyone keeps borrowing them but fails to return them afterwards. The only table giving away free stuff was WBTV, and they were only providing autographs of their talking heads. It’s not like Manny Ramirez was sitting at their booth. At one table there was stress balls jumbled in a glass bowl. After talking to the party for three minutes and receiving her business card as to where I need to apply; I reached for a stress ball, but before I had one in my grasp I received a dirty stare. Apparently, the stress balls are for decoration only on the table like glass bulbs on a Christmas tree. Look but don’t touch. Needless to say I doubt I want to work with this company.

Some of the personal were creative. I watch one lady who has actually accepting paper resumes talk two to three minutes to each person then place their paper on the table a special way. There were either laid parallel with the table edge or she would alter the resumes a little to the left or right. So, I stood in her line to test my theory. After our three minute verbal dance, she accepted my resume and placed the document on the table surface. I then asked her why she placed each resume in a different pattern on the table. She smiled beautifully for me liked a trapped rat, but refused to reveal her trade show secret. Next, she did surprisingly offered her number, but I said, “No thanks, I am married. Have a nice day.” By the way my resume was laid parallel with the table’s edge. I believe this pile is going to the oval trash receptacle.

Leaving the show because I had enough laughs and had visited each table except Family Dollar (Their line was longer than Parrot Heads waiting in line for Jimmy Buffet tickets to go on sale), I concluded to be successful at job fairs one has to be successful at the Friday night special speed dating held at the local VFW lodge. This is why. Eliminating the bad perfume, water-down drinks, and poor flirting tactics; my job is to successfully sell myself quickly to the other party in two to three minutes. Instead of both parties searching for love with no guaranteed resolution, I want the other side to believe I can be an asset for their company. Like speed dating for me, there are no guarantees because I still may go home to a cold bed while the other party on the opposite side of the table holds all the chips and still returns to their warm bed (a job). He or she can provide you love (employment) or another empty plate. Like early dating a new person, this all depends if your assets fulfills their needs and desires quickly and eventually hopefully eternally. There are no guarantees because they are the big fish with many minnows trying to romance them.

A few tits and tats:

  • ATT posted they were accepting resumes but the gentleman in booth did not know if ATT would buy-out your Verizon contact to work for them. It’s not like you can have a Verizon phone working for ATT. Can you?
  • Best looking specimen looking for a job was an individual wearing a dirty ball cap, a sleeveless Dale Earnhardt Jr. screened t-shirt, tattered shorts and Chuck Converse shoes. (For the record this was NOT me) ASSUME!!
  • The movie Replacements is released at the mall.
  • I felt bad for the family trying to buy automated movie tickets because the dispenser was blocked by the Family Dollar Parrot Head.

Peace out have fun and remember to always save your fork.